Thursday, December 27, 2012

"The Horror! The Horror!"

One definition of Hell that I have heard is that one is forced to watch all the pain and brutality on their near ones, for all eternity. Suddenly, Fire and Brimstone does not seem all that bad in comparison!

A girl raped and brutally beaten, so bad that she is fighting for that single thread of life for the last several days. An armed man killing his mother, and then shooting 20 children dead - all between the ages of 6 to 10. A person "who enjoys killing" burns a house, and then shoots the firefighters who come to douse the fire.

These acts go so far beyond the boundary of extremity of violent crimes, that it should raise some fundamental questions for us - are we still humans? Were they one of us?

The Mayans were right. We just misunderstood. It is not that the world ends on the said day; it begins the process of the end.

Many of us has asked "Why?". There is no answer. There cannot be an answer - I refuse to accept a world where there is a "reason" for these behaviors. The much more painful and shameful admission is that there is no way to fix and heal those who have been hurt by these acts. No way to heal them. The best we can do is determine how we can ensure this does not happen again.


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